Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Term 1 Week 4

A few days ago me and my class went to Te Tuhi. We went to do a project called Stories From the Pacific. For this we made a Tapa cloth. We got some paper, coloured it with red pastel, dyed it brown and drew our story. We had to colour in pastel and dye the paper so it look handmade. I didn't know a lot about tapa  but now I know  a lot more than I knew before. I was surprised with how complex it was.

Monday, 16 February 2015

African Praise Poem

I was learning to write an African Praise Poem.
I found this work easy because I always thought of myself as an animal.
I found this quite enjoyable because I find metaphors fun.
My next step is to use more interesting words.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

My 2015 Welcome Post

Welcome to my Year 5 learning blog. This year I am in room 28/29 and my teachers are Mrs Graham                                           
and Mrs Melville. I enjoy learning more and more about animals. This year I am looking foward to the Math Olympiad. I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.